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Jobs Card Game worksheet
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Chương hai: Phật giáo với bệnh tâm thần – Phần 2
English Lit 101
A guide to the greats in British litrature! From Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein and Charles Dickens’ Tiny Tim to Jane Austen’s Mr. Darcy and Shakespeare’s Juliet, British authors have created some of the most compelling characters in all of literature. But too often, textbooks reduce these vibrant voices to boring summaries that would put even an…
Intermediate Grammar Worksheets
Designed to complement the Macmillan Short Course Programme, these photocopiable worksheets are a grammar resource for English language teachers. They are aimed at intermediate level English learners. Download: Intermediate_Grammar_Worksheets.pdf Intermediate_grammar_worksheets_with_key.pdf
The Complete Short Stories of Mark Twain
For deft plotting, riotous inventiveness, unforgettable characters, and language that brilliantly captures the lively rhythms of American speech, no American writer comes close to Mark Twain. This sparkling anthology covers the entire span of Twain’s inimitable yarn-spinning, from his early broad comedy to the biting satire of his later years. Every one of his sixty…
100 Ideas for Teaching English
The book offers new and up to date ideas ranging from understanding basic grammar and punctuation to studying plays, poetry and core text. Cooze_A_-_100_Ideas_for_Teaching_English_-_2006.pdf
Necromanticism: Travelling to Meet the Dead, 1750-1860.
Westover P. Necromanticism is a study of literary pilgrimage: readers’ compulsion to visit literary homes, landscapes, and (especially) graves during the long Romantic period. The book draws on the histories of tourism and literary genres to highlight Romanticism’s recourse to the dead in its reading, writing, and canon-making practices. Introduction: Traveling to Meet the Dead…
Manage Your Classroom Like A Pro
Simple teacher-tested instructions to keep your classroom under control! How do you handle everyday class interruptions? What do you do when the noise level is so high, you can’t hear yourself think? What about handling multilingual groups? Multilevel classes? Manage your classroom like never before with our Busy Teacher’s TOP 25 classroom management secrets –…