Bên dưới là toàn bộ voice line (voice over) của Capheny Harley Quinn. Capheny Harley Quinn intro voice line (voice over)/Âm thanh lúc pick tướng của Capheny Harley Quinn Superhero, supervillain! Tomayto tomahto! – Siêu anh hùng, siêu phản diện! Như nhau cả thôi. (Tomayto tomahto (idiomatic) Used to dismiss a correction to one’s adherence…
Bài mới
Từ kinh thành tửu sắc Pompeii nhìn lại thế giới chúng ta đang sống
Pompeii đã từng là một thành phố cảng xinh đẹp tràn đầy ánh mặt trời và khí hậu dễ chịu, là nơi giao thương giữa La Mã và Hy Lạp, nơi sinh sống của những người La Mã giàu có và quyền quý. Pompeii giàu có và phồn hoa, dường như không thiếu thứ gì.…
The morphine eater, the drunkard and the sensualist have very little of what is known as “free will,” for the will of such unfortunates is a thing that has ceased to manifest itself, if not to exist; a dipsomaniac is reported to have said that if he were given a glass of whiskey and felt…
This explanation and knowledge will be like unto a revelation to many men who have suffered, as has been stated here, without knowing the real cause of their nervousness and depressed spirits. Every man who has suffered from nervous debility has noticed that the urine which he has passed during the night contains cloudy secretions.…
The usages of certain so-called religious faiths have doubtless been instituted from good motives. . Experience, however, has shown many of them to be morally objectionable. The celibacy of the olden times was based on the expressions in which St. Paul recommends the unmarried, rather than the married, state, as more favorable to a devout…
The writer believes and knows that if thee writings (which are by one who knows whereof he speaks) serve to save even one young man or woman from this terrible fate and to show the absolute certainty of the curse which will certainly fall upon those who allow their pernicious passions to control them, and…
All Diana Bishop Power Scenes
httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v4DsIuAxHIM Diana Bishop , The most powerful witch in the series. Diana has power over all elements and their abilities with a distinct affinity for both water and fire . She processes power over the earth and its life allowing Diana to have full control over spells and the craft . Like her father ,…
Wandavision Final Battle
httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V8raFxVLeGw Agatha Harkness attempts to take Wanda Maximoff’s chaos magic but is interrupted by The Vision, which distresses Maximoff. As Maximoff transfers her magic, she creates magical runes around the barrier to strip Harkness of her powers and traps Agnes permanently inside Westview, becoming the Scarlet Witch in the process.
Rider and Shiro Vs Alter Saber Fight Heaven’s Feels III Fight Scene
Ultron DEFEATED in What If
httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F9imF__3y2s httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eg8TA17L4no The most important battle of the multiverse. Witness the final brawl between Ultron and the guardians of the Multiverse. httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FUwIgutjXf4