Bài mới


Involuntary emissions while passing urine. Involuntary emissions while at stool. Involuntary emissions while asleep. Involuntary emissions without proper extension of the organ. Losses due to partial extension. Involuntary emissions while in the presence of the opposite sex. Losses due to nocturnal dreams. Eruptions and pimples on face and body. Premature discharge during copulation. Priapism (morbid…


It is a well-known fact that excessive indulgence produces weakness and Nervous Debility. This debility and nervousness is caused by the loss of the seed from the system and the nervous exhaustion following the act of ejaculation. Ejaculation of the seed by unnatural habits affects the nervous system, owing to the abnormal manner in which…


Spermatorrhea, from a pathological standpoint, is a real or apparent discharge of Seminal Fluid, without voluntary venereal excitement. It is of two kinds: (1) True, in which discharges of Spermatozoon occurs. (2) False, or Prostatorrhea , in which a Fluid, clearer and more tenacious than the seminal Fluid, and destitute of Spermatozoon, is discharged. This…

Những câu nói của Điêu Thuyền WaVe

Bên dưới là toàn bộ voice line/voice over của Điêu Thuyền WaVe và bản dịch giọng nói Tiếng Việt của Điêu Thuyền WaVe trong game liên quân. DiaoChan WaVe Intro voice line (voice over)/Âm thanh lúc chọn tướng Điêu Thuyền WaVe Intro 1 Intro 2 My songs will resonate across the universe – Những ca…