We often suffer from many diseases because we do not know how to maintain hygiene in our diet. We think that eating delicacies and drinking expensive alcohol is nourishing, and we often invite each other to eat and drink, which leads to illness. As a result, the dining room becomes a sickroom.
To reduce the risk of illness, we need to eat in moderation and consume only foods that are nutritious and easy to digest. According to science, the nutrients that the human body needs are found in plants, and plants absorb these nutrients by absorbing the yang energy of the sun.
Most animals that eat plants (*1) are well-nourished, which is a direct way of nourishing. We eat the meat of these animals, which means we are consuming the nutrients from the plants that have already been stored in the meat. This is an indirect way of nourishing.
So, which is better: direct nourishing, which means using plants directly as food, or indirect nourishing, which means eating meat to get the nutrients from plants?
Many people who claim to eat a non-vegetarian diet actually eat more vegetarian food than non-vegetarian food every day. Not to mention the fruits that we eat every day, let’s look at each meal. Although we call it a non-vegetarian meal, it is actually two-thirds vegetarian. A bowl of soup only needs two to three parts of vegetables to have one part of meat or fish. A stir-fry dish only needs two parts of vegetables and beans to have one part of shrimp or meat. The food we eat the most is rice, which is vegetarian. It turns out that we eat more vegetarian food than non-vegetarian food every day, but we don’t realize it.
Some people argue that: “Heaven created all things to nourish humans. If we don’t eat pigs, cows, chickens, ducks, fish, shrimp, etc., what are these animals for?”
The answer is: The Creator, who is the Most Just, created all kinds of creatures to let them live and grow, each species according to its own nature. In the sky, there are birds, on the ground, there are animals, and in the water, there are aquatic creatures that coexist with humans as living beings in the world. If we ask what Heaven created animals for, why don’t we also ask: “What did Heaven create humans for?” Is it to destroy and take away the freedom of other animal species?
Humans are more intelligent than all other creatures, and they use their intelligence to eat the meat of one species and oppress another. Isn’t this contrary to the justice and compassion of the Creator?
The first reason has been explained. Let’s briefly explain the following reasons. Meat is a heavy food. Although it is digested quickly, it is not completely digested, which can damage the spleen and stomach. The undigested part will rot and cause diseases in the organs. We all know that meat that is stuffed between the teeth will rot very quickly. Therefore, animals that eat meat have dirty tongues and teeth and bad breath.
Moreover, the harm of meat is not immediate, so few people pay attention to it. If the spleen and stomach are still strong, there will be no problem. However, when they become weak, they will cause illness.
Another danger of eating meat is that we sometimes eat the meat of sick animals without knowing it. However, with vegetarian food, we never eat anything that is rotten or withered.
*(1) Animals that eat meat are nourished indirectly, so their meat is inferior to that of animals that eat plants. What is the point of eating their meat then?