Reviewed by the Religious Committee before publication

Copyright held by the Religious Association

Vegetarianism! Upon hearing the two words “Ăn chay” (vegetarianism), some people may frown and say: “In the 20th century, how dare anyone advocate for vegetarianism? Isn’t it foolish to want to regress to a time when people ate plants and lived in caves in the name of civilization?”

Such is the common reaction to any theory, regardless of its merits, that goes against the grain of conventional wisdom.

Regardless of the era, any practice that promotes hygiene, aligns with morality, and follows the natural order should be discussed and analyzed.

The ancients ate plants and lived in caves, yet they were healthy and lived long lives. We should investigate the source of this happiness. Could it be largely due to their diet? What did they eat? They ate plants, fruits, and vegetables, which is essentially vegetarianism.

Moreover, eating vegetarian or non-vegetarian is simply a matter of habit. Those who are accustomed to eating non-vegetarian food may find it difficult to switch to vegetarianism, but with determination and gradual practice, it is possible. Start by practicing for two days, then gradually increase to six days, ten days, and so on. With consistent practice, one can eventually become a full-time vegetarian. Once you become a full-time vegetarian, you will feel light and comfortable, and you will no longer crave non-vegetarian food. This is a fact that anyone who has tried it knows.

In our country, Vietnam, many people, even if they are not religious, have faith in Buddhism and God, so they often practice vegetarianism on the 1st and 15th days of the lunar month.

Needless to say, for those who are religious and practice cultivation, it is expected that everyone will practice vegetarianism for at least one month or six days a month.

In this small book, I will briefly explain the benefits of vegetarianism for the body, morality, and religion.

It is not only those who practice cultivation that need to be vegetarian. I believe that anyone who carefully considers the ultimate reason should try vegetarianism, even if they do not practice cultivation.

Since the third great opening of the Heavenly Way, also known as the “Great Way of the Third Era of Universal Salvation,” many people in the religion have paid attention to vegetarianism, and have therefore invented many delicious vegetarian dishes that are enjoyable to eat and never get boring. Are they not as good as non-vegetarian dishes?

I hope that someone in the religion will take the initiative to compile a cookbook called “Vegetarian Cooking” for those who are not yet proficient to follow, which I believe will be a great merit.


(Please note that the English translation provided on Sachsongngu.top has not been officially endorsed by the CAO DAI Holy See.)

Vietnamese version: here.

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