There are many ways to follow a vegetarian diet:
1. Fruitarianism: Some people only eat ripe fruits, believing that they are the most nutritious part of plants. Fruits are the reproductive organs of plants, and therefore contain the most nutrients. Additionally, fruits ripen by absorbing the yang energy of the sun, making them very beneficial when consumed ripe.
2. Lacto-fruitarianism: Others eat ripe fruits and vegetables that are traditionally eaten raw, such as lettuce, cucumbers, and salad greens.
These two groups avoid cooked foods, believing that cooking is unnatural and reduces the nutritional value of plants.
While these methods of vegetarianism are ideal, they can be difficult to maintain, as humans have long been accustomed to cooking food.
3. Vegetarianism: This involves eating all plant-based foods, but cooked.
Some vegetarians avoid onions, garlic, leeks, chives, and shallots, believing them to be pungent vegetables (ngũ huân).
4. Lacto-ovo vegetarianism: This includes cooked plant-based foods, as well as dairy products and eggs.
This method of vegetarianism is very hygienic (dairy and eggs are rich in nutrients), but it is against religious principles. Chickens and ducks hatch from eggs, so eating an egg means ending a life. While consuming dairy does not harm the cow, it is an animal product (matière animale) and therefore not considered pure for the body and soul.
Some people believe that it is acceptable to eat bloodless creatures such as shrimp, clams, and squid. However, this is simply a way to justify their taste buds and does not adhere to the religious principles of vegetarianism. Any animal that belongs to the four types of life (tứ sanh):
Viviparous (thai sanh): mammals like cows and buffaloes.
Oviparous (noãn sanh): egg-laying animals.
Aquatic (thấp sanh): water-dwelling creatures.
Metamorphic (hóa sanh): creatures that transform, like maggots and pupae.
All have life, and eating their flesh is considered killing.